Click here to register. This will take you to Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp online registration where you can create an account to view the options and prices for the weekend.
The registration fee (includes meals) for the entire weekend is $80 with housing assignments made upon receipt of registration and based on availability. Housing charges are in addition to the registration fee and will be applied once housing is confirmed.
The registration fee (includes meals) for Saturday only is $64.
If you would like to have lodging off site, there are rooms available at the Country Lodge at Woodland Park (http://www.woodlandcountrylodge.com/). They are reserved under Mountain States Mennonite Conference.
Scholarships are available. Please contact Annie Lengacher Browning at annie@MountainStatesMC.org.
Click below to download the schedule. Schedule subject to change.
Two Hour Workshop – 3:00-5:15
Rewilding the Scriptures, Rewilding Ourselves – Chapel
When we recognize that we are “listening on holy ground,” do we have a different ear, and understand the Scriptures through different lens? When we know that God camps with us, and treat the ground as sacred as the ancient Israelites did, how does it impact our habits and lifeways? Join Todd Wynward, author of Rewilding the Way, on a feral examination of several core texts from the Old and New Testaments. Brief talks will be interspersed with times for group readings and paired discussion as together we wrestle new insight out of ancient words. Presenter: Todd Wynward, author, educator, wilderness trip leader and licensed MSMC minister for watershed discipleship affiliated with Albuquerque Mennonite Church. He and his wife Peg founded a wilderness-based public charter school in 2001 and now–with their new colleague and EMU grad Tyler Eshleman–are creating TiLT, an Anabaptist incubator for intentional living you should come visit in Taos, NM.
One Hour Workshops – 3:00-4:00
Health Care Justice and Colorado Care – Heidi Cabin Lobby
Colorado Care // Amendment 69 is on the Ballot in November and if passed would provide health care for all residents of Colorado. Come to hear about Health care as an issue of Justice and to learn more about the specifics of Colorado Care. All questions are welcome! Workshop Moderator: Cathy Egan MD, Family Physician since 1989, who has worked with Underserved communities , first at Columbia Road Health Services and Christ House in Washington DC and now at the Sunrise Loveland Community Health Center in Loveland CO. She lives in Fort Collins with her husband Steve Ramer, Pastor of the Fort Collins Mennonite Fellowship. Eliza Carney, member of the Fort Collins Mennonite Fellowship and tireless long term Universal Health Care Advocate.
Everence Lilly Grant and Your Congregation – Nature Center
Everence Lilly Grant and your congregation; learn how the Lilly grant can benefit your congregation and your pastor. We are encouraging congregational church chairs and members of finance/stewardship committees to attend this workshop where you will learn ways your congregation can assist your pastor in utilizing funds from the $1 million Lilly grant recently awarded to Everence. We are hoping to have every MSMC congregation represented. Presenters: Dennis LeFevre, Rhoda Blough
The Struggle for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine – Zurich Dining Room
In this workshop you will learn about the background of the current situation in Israel and Palestine and consider how Mennonites might become involved in the nonviolent struggle for a just peace. The workshop will present the reality on the ground with background facts and maps, followed by a discussion of the “Kairos Palestine Document,” which is a call from Palestinian Christians to the Christian church worldwide to hear their suffering and join their nonviolent struggle for justice. Palestinian Christians call us to respond with love that resists oppression through boycott and divestment, nonviolent tools that were critical in ending apartheid in South Africa. How can Mennonites act for justice in cooperation with their Palestinian sisters and brothers? The workshop will conclude with an overview of the resolution that was discussed by delegates in Kansas City and what to anticipate in Orlando. Presenters:Joy Lapp teaches religion at Iowa Wesleyan University in Mount Pleasant, Iowa and is a member of the Pleasant View Mennonite Church. She taught English in Egypt for three years with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and serves on the Steering Committee of the Mennonite Palestine Israel Network (MennoPIN). She has been leading witness trips to Israel/Palestine each summer since 2007 and is organizing the next one for May 2017. George Muedeking is currently living in Albuquerque, NM and is a member of ABQ Mennonite where he serves as elder of the Mission Leaf. He is retired as a Professor Emeritus in Sociology from California State University, Stanislaus. He and his spouse, Anne Sigler, have four children and four grandchildren. He is a member of the steering committee of the Mennonite Palestine Israel Network (MennoPIN), and has worked actively for the cause of Palestinian justice, equality and freedom since 2012.
“What’s Happening in MC USA?” – Jungfrau Cabin Lobby
Presenter: Nancy Kauffmann, MC USA Denominational Minister for Mountain States Conference
The Bible and Anabaptist Faith – Pleiades Downstairs Foyer
Come for a conversation about the Bible’s role in the early Anabaptist movement, and its role in shaping our faith today.
Presenter Peter Goerzen. Peter is the campus pastor at Bethel College. His wife, Katherine, is also a pastor, and they have two children, Sophia and Nathan.
“Transforming from Within: Reading the Bible with South African Christians” – Langnau Room
In this workshop we will explore how particular biblical texts interact with a traditional African worldview from the context of South Africa. Participants will be invited to see these texts through African eyes, and to consider whether/in what ways issues from this African context might apply to the church in North America. In terms of the conference theme of “Listening on Holy Ground”, this workshop largely touches on the theme of listening/discerning the voice of God within our world, and draws upon both mountain imagery and the figure of Moses from the Bible. Presenter: Joe Sawatzky is a church relations associate for Mennonite Mission Network to several area conferences of Mennonite Church USA, including Mountain States. My wife Anna and I served through Mission Network in South Africa for eight years (2006-14), working in the area of biblical education/leadership development among African-initiated churches. We have four sons—Isaac, Moses, Levi, and Jesse—between the ages of 13 and 6. I am a graduate of Bethel (Kansas) College and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. We live in Goshen, Indiana and attend Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship.
Going Local – Regionalizing Relationships in a Commuter Era – Aspen Cabin Lobby
Are Neighborhood Churches the future? What are the benefits, challenges and other possibilities for the future of the church. In a fragmented and busy world, where do you experience depth in your spirituality and your personal relationships? I believe the future church needs to help in consolidating life, and start prioritizing proximity, place and making personal relationships. Presenter: Tory Doerksen is part of the pastoral team at FMC-Denver, working primarily with children, youth, families and faith formation.
One Hour Workshops – 4:15-5:15
Everence Lilly Grant and Your Congregation – Nature Center (repeat)
The Struggle for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine – Zurich Dining Room (repeat)
How the Bible Came to Be – Pleiades Downstairs Foyer
“Things you didn’t learn about the Bible in Sunday School.” Discover the processes and stages of the formation of the Bible.
Presenter: Peter Goerzen. Peter is the campus pastor at Bethel College. His wife, Katherine, is also a pastor, and they have two children, Sophia and Nathan.
“The Pending Famine in Northern Nigeria” – Aspen Cabin Lobby
I was called 18yrs ago to serve in Nigeria , I helped establish 2 USA non profits that support 5,500. AIDS patients in Jos Nigeria. We have been supported by MCC for many years. We have seen over one million patients in the past 6 years, 60% Christians, 40% Muslims all free of charge.I have also built two RUTF ” ready to use therapeutic food ” processing centers one in Liberia and one at Faith Alive.Presenter: Russ McCahan
Worship and Recreational Activities Descriptions
*Registration required
Concert with Tim and Gretchen May and Steve Smith in the Ball Field Tent
When: Friday, 7:00 PM
Tim and Gretchen play roots music from Old-Time to Irish and Bluegrass, and their music has taken them all over the world. Steve Smith is known as one of this country’s top mandolin players.
Concert with Fireweed Bluegrass Band in the Ball Field Tent
When: Saturday, 9:00 PM
Come hear Joel Thompson, Dave Foncannon, Tom Thornburg, Damian Rotolo and Gina Rose entertain us with bluegrass music.
Sunrise Prayers at Inspiration Point
When: Saturday and Sunday morning, 7:00 AM
A guided prayer time will be offered in the early mornings at Inspiration Point.
Morning Worship in the Ball Field Tent
When: Saturday, 10:30-11:30 AM and Sunday, 9:30-11:00 AM
Hymn Sing at Ball Field Tent
When: Saturday, 4:15-5:15 PM
We will congregate for hymn singing from all corners of the valley!
Meditation Walk
When: Saturday, 4:15-5:15 PM
Initially, those interested will gather to receive guidance and instruction, before setting off individually or in groups. There are many places for quiet meditation including the babbling stream, various memorial benches, the Jacob Boese peace pole, and the Jess Kauffman “Talking Tree.” Maps are located in the office foyer.
When: Saturday and Sunday, 6:30 AM-7:30 AM
Early morning yoga is provided for all those interested in a relaxing and rejuvenating session of connecting mind, body, and spirit. All levels welcome. Please bring a yoga mat or towel.
Rock Climbing and Rappelling (Jr/Sr High)
When: Saturday 9:00-11:30 AM
Pre-registration required. Numerous challenges suspended by cables and ropes from 50-foot telephone poles await the youth for exciting group building activities. Facilitators will help guide the challenges, and all elements can be tailored to any level. All participants wear safety harnesses and helmets and are attached to a belay system, or safety ropes, while climbing.
Tie Dying
When: Saturday 4:00-5:00 PM
Pre-registration required. Tie Dying – A colorful wearable craft for all ages. Shirts and dies will be provided along with different techniques for making your own wearable work of art. 15 people per ½ hour block (4:00-4:30, 4:30-5:00). Ages 7 and younger must have a parent present. $5 per person.
Watercolor Painting at Gold Mine
When: Saturday, 7:00-8:30 PM
Pre-registration is required for adults. *Watercolor Painting – An adult craft with all the supplies provided. Instruction on several watercolor techniques will be provided as you seek out your favorite RMMC views to put on paper.
Easy Hike
When: Saturday, 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
A 1 hour group hike will be guided by MSMC volunteers or RMMC staff into Pike National Forest along the Wagon Wheel Trail west of the pond. Though this will be an easier hike on established trails, sturdy shoes and the ability to walk uphill and downhill on rocky trail is required. Kids encouraged!
Medium/Hard Hike – Additional hikes into Pike National Forest available, with maps in the office. Plan for 2+ hours on the trail and keep weather in mind. Individuals and groups are welcome to go hiking, keeping in mind times for meals and other scheduled activities.
Rock Climbing and Rappelling
Pre-registration required. Rock Climbing & Rappelling – Led by staff with equipment provided by RMMC, anyone interested in hiking up to Monkey Rock and experiencing the thrilling and challenging activity is welcome. Various levels of rock climbing difficulty from beginner to advanced are available. And for those who want a thrill with much less effort, rappelling down one of our 60’ or 90’ cliffs is something exciting for anyone in the family!
Childcare Available Ages 0-4 yrs
When: Saturday, 10:30-11:30; 1:15-4:00; Sunday, 9:30 AM-11:00 AM
Child care providers will be available to care for children during Saturday and Sunday worship services and on Saturday afternoon.
Service Project
When: Saturday
Rocky Mountain Camp will plan service projects based on interest. Please indicate your interest when you register.
S’mores and Banana Boats – RMMC Bonfire Fundraiser at the BBQ Pit
When: Saturday, 7:00-8:30 PM
Supplies and campfires will be provided for making these scrumptious camp favorites. A reminder of RMMC’s large part in our conference and their generosity as our hosts of this year’s gathering!
Games, Puzzles and Snacks in the Lodge
When: Friday and Saturday evenings after other organized events
Feel free to bring some of your own favorites!
Outdoor Games
When: Saturday, 7:00-8:30 PM
Children’s Activities:
Family Craft
When: Saturday, 4:15-5:15 PM
Pre-registration required. A craft for anyone interested, but especially kids and their families! Create a votive candle holder to take home and remind you of your great weekend. Kids 8yrs and under must be accompanied by a parent.
Coloring Supplies – for children during worship
Sand drawing – A craft available to the leaders of child care for young ones, using colored sand to create pictures or jars.
AM Rock Climbing & Rappelling (Jr & Sr High)
When: Saturday, 9:00-11:30 AM
Pre-registration required. Lead by staff with equipment provided by RMMC, youth will spend the morning on Monkey Rock with the opportunity to learn the basics of rock climbing and rappelling.
Hiking – Many excellent hiking trails start at or near camp. A trail guide booklet located in the office foyer has maps and directions to numerous destinations. When preparing for a hike be sure to hydrate with plenty of water before heading out. Also be sure to take the following things with you: water, sturdy shoes, rain gear, sunscreen, warm layers, and energy food. Monkey Rock is a short family-friendly hiking trail that starts at the Gold Mine with spectacular mountain views at the top. There are several climbs and rappels sites ranging from moderate to more difficult for guests and campers. This activity is led by trained staff and is available to guests with advanced notice and when scheduling and weather allows.
Aspen Ridge Nature Trail – The nature trail begins near the Lodge. With numbered markers along the path, the trail booklet gives great commentary on the nature you see along the way. This is a very nice hikes for individuals, families, and small children.
Volleyball, Basketball, Four Square – The volleyball court & basketball court offers great group activities for all.
Disc Golf (leaderboard posted for the weekend) – A great disc golf course begins at the Goldmine. The metal baskets create a course using most of camp’s property on the Chapel side. Frisbees are located in the ball rack on the basketball court. A course map is available in the office foyer.
The Gold Mine – The old gold mine shaft is approximately 100 feet into the hillside and offers neat look underground. Having a flashlight is a must unless you prefer pitch dark! At the entrance is stadium seating for campfire singing.
The Nature Center – The Nature Center has a variety of displays and information about the beauty of God’s creation here in the Rocky Mountains as well as a number of field guides of the local flora and fauna. A large 3D topo map of the Pikes Peak area marks many summits in the area.
Horseshoes – The horseshoe pit is located between the Chapel and Aspen. Horseshoes are available in the ball rack by the basketball court for all to enjoy.
Ping Pong, Foosball, Card Games – The Bern Room in the Lodge has a ping pong table and a foosball table as well as various card and board games that are available to anyone interested in having some indoor fun. Saturday night Tournament
Kayaking, Paddle boating – The pond is a beautiful place to sit or play in the cold mountain water. Life jackets, paddles, and water vessels are kept in the lean-to next to the small dock. Children under 16yrs need to have adult supervision for water activities.
Fishing (supplies not provided) – The pond is stocked with trout and catch and release fishing is permitted.
Team Challenge Course – A ten minute walk up the hill from main camp can be found a low-ropes challenge course set in the woods. Groups of 4-12 can participate in teambuilding games and challenges explained on a sheet provided in the office.
Meal Table Icebreakers – Throughout the weekend sheets of paper with icebreakers, questions, and discussion topics will be placed on the meal tables to encourage conversation and connecting with new people.
FAQ’s and Other Information
Housing assignments at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp will be made upon receipt of registration and based on availability. Charges will be applied once housing is confirmed.
Main Camp Chalet – $20.50/person/night
Heidi, Jungfrau, Aspen, Tall Timbers, Edelweiss, Aframe ($20.50/person/night)
Main Camp Rustic Cabin – $15.50/person/night
Chiming Bell, Columbine, Chickadee, Pine Cone, Juniper, Ponderosa, Porcupine, Spruce
Campground tent site – $20.50/site/night
8 campsites, up to 6 people per site
Emmental Retreat Center – $70/room/night
Two single beds per room)
Pleiades – $70/room/night
Two single beds per room
Rocky Ridge – $70/room/night
3 bedroom cabin. Queen beds in two rooms. Double and Twin beds in one room.
Solitude Center – $20.50/person/night
2 person capacity. Double mattress in loft
Off Camp Housing
If you would like to have lodging off site, there are rooms available at the Country Lodge at Woodland Park (http://www.woodlandcountrylodge.com/). They are reserved under Mountain States Mennonite Conference.
Activities are included in the registration fee. However, some require pre-registration for planning purposes. Registration for the activities is available on the assembly registration. The schedule of events outlines all activities offered throughout the weekend. See information below about the schedule and the activity descriptions.
Check In is on Friday, August 7 at 2 PM or after.
Check Out is on Sunday, August 9 at 11 AM. We suggest packing up your belongings before worship on Sunday at 9:30 AM.
Cell phone reception is limited at main camp but can connect at ridge accommodations including Eagle’s Nest, Rocky Ridge and Sky Hi View. A phone is available in the office lobby for guest use. RMMC has a Wi Fi signal in various locations including the Dining Hall/Lodge which you can connect to using a device with wireless capability. The password can be obtained from the camp office.
Childcare will be provided for ages 4 and under as shown on the schedule.
The delegate session is on Saturday afternoon and information about the content of the session will be emailed to delegates separately and posted on the website.
Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp has a dining hall that will provide all meals during the weekend and is included in the registration fee.
Registration is through Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp. The registration fee for the entire weekend is $80. For Saturday only, it is $64. There is no fee for Sunday only. Housing costs are in addition.
Scholarships are available. Please contact annie@mountainstatesmc.org for more information.
General Packing List:
Hiking shoes (if you plan on hiking)
Small pack and snacks for hiking
Comfortable shoes
Flip flops or shower shoes (for those using shared bathrooms)
Lip balm
Bug spray
Rain coat or umbrella
Sun hat
Water bottle
Travel coffee mug (your own mug will save resources)
Flashlight or headlamp
Yoga Mat or large towel for yoga
Pillow (If you are picky about this sort of thing)
Snacks for personal use
Toys for kids (Especially outdoor toys like balls, bubbles, sand toys, etc…)
Board Games and card games
Personal toiletries (including soap and shampoo) and clothes (pack warm layers as it gets cool at night!)
Sheets and towels if you are staying in Main Camp accommodations
Musical Instruments
We consider worship to be happening throughout the weekend as we are together. There are set times of coming together as a community for worship as outlined on the schedule. We envision our worship to be informal, fluid and full of life. In that way, we aim for the worship experience to be intergenerational and open to all ages.
Reports from Mountain States Mennonite Conference
2016 Report – Transitional Conference Ministers
2016 Report – Dialogue Resource Team
2016 Conference Administrator Report
Reports from Congregations
2016 Report – Boulder Mennonite Church
2016 Report – Carlsbad Mennonite Church
2016 Report – First Mennonite Denver
2016 Report – Living Light of Peace