Learning to Hope in the Dark: Practices of Faith for Uncertain Time
- 9:30-11 AM: Keynote by Shannon Dycus
- 11:15 AM – 12 PM: Lunch* on site provided by Rocky Mountain Hmong Mennonite Church (donations accepted)
- 12:15 – 1:15 PM: Workshop
- 1:15 – 1:30 PM: Break
- 1:15 – 2:30 PM: Workshop and Closing
Registration Deadline – February 14. Click here to register.
Suggested donation is $25 per person. Please note, this is a suggested donation–we want you to attend whether you can contribute in this way or not!
To donate use this link: Donate – Mountain States Mennonite Conference
- Lunch will be provided by Rocky Mountain Hmong Mennonite Church. Donations for the meal are welcome and will go directly to the Hmong community.
Virtual attenders please note: the link will be for the morning Keynote only.