By Richard and Linda Wyse, Rocky Mountain MCC Relief Sale Coordinators
The organization and preparation for the set up made everything go much smoother. It seems that this part of the sale has fewer setbacks each year. There was good organization for getting all the tables, chairs, trailer, bleachers, electrical, metal displays, and wooden tiered displays, cleaned and in place. We were told that the group doing the Fry Bread were very impressed with the cleanliness of the kitchen. There were no concerns over power outages this year so that problem has been successfully dealt with.
There were changes in the sound system which markedly improved the audience being able to clearly understand the auctioneers and those giving information about the quilts. The Friday evening Hesston College choir sounded great as did the community singing of Praise God from Whom All on Saturday noon before the Quilt Auction.
The General Auction and the Quilt Auctions were down in dollars raised. The General Auction highlights included the selling of the opening loaf of bread for $1300, a John Deere peddle Tractor for $400, a walnut cutting board for $650, a custom made guitar for $400, Chama getaway for $900, a metal art welcome sign for $240 and the 1943 2N Ford Tractor for $3400.The Quilt Auction received 79 items ranging from bed quilts to wall hangings. Four of the quilts brought over $1000, with the highest bringing $1400, two brought $1300 and one brought $1100. The traveling quilt whose proceeds were for water projects raised $10,425.
At this time the final amount raised is $121,946.21. There may be a few more dollars by the end of the year.
We often are told that our Sale feels like a big reunion. Truly one of the things accomplished is building community. This sale brings people with a wide range of differences and from nearby to 100’s of miles away. It seems that one of MCC’s goals is to mend this world and help us all to work together, so if we can do that here as well as far away and also raise money we think our sale is a success.
We would like to share with you information from the MCC Annual Report which helps you understand how the money we raise at our Rocky Mountain MCC Sale helps around the world. Though we may be one of the smaller sales of the 44 in the USA we still help in big ways. The money raised through ”Your Coins Count” brings water to communities in Mozambique and supports education for children with disabilities in Mexico. Those school kits that filled a van and a trailer were part of the 90,170 which will help students in 10 countries. MCC has programs in 54 countries, has 528 partners and 761 projects. It spends $22,166.000 on relief, $35,658,000 on development and $11, 764,000 on peace. J. Ron Byler, MCC U.S. executive director shares with us” With your support, we mirror Christ’s love through good deeds both here at home and far away. Thank you for joining in our efforts to share God’s love and compassion with all.”
We want to recognize how many people need to be involved to make this effort possible. Thanks to all who were involved with and made the sale this year a success. This next year we will all be thinking of ways which will allow us to improve on our sale and there for continue on the road to a Great 2017.
Looking forward to seeing each and every one of you in 2017.