ZOOM Access for MSMC Churches




What can ZOOM offer you?
Zoom can include up to 100 participants in online meetings. Participants can join with just audio, or both audio/video on either mobile or desktop.

ZOOM Set-up Process:
Email Conference Administrator to make your request, including ZOOM in the email subject line. Indicate the day and time for your meeting. Generally, meetings are limited to 2 hours. Please email your request at least 24 hours in advance if at all possible. If there is no conflict with previously scheduled conference meetings or prior requests, I will email meeting details for you to share with all participants. Otherwise, I will let you know ZOOM is unavailable.


– Details for your Participants –


How to download Zoom for Online Meetings:

  1. If you’re using a PC computer go to https://zoom.us/download and click on the “Download” button for Zoom Client for Meetings. Follow the instructions.
  2. If you’re using a Mac, go to https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/203020795-How-To-Install- on-Mac and read and follow the instructions.
  3. If you’re using Zoom on your android smartphone, go to the “Google Play” (play.google.com) store and search for “Zoom.” Follow the instructions to install and open. Or visit https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings and install.
  4. If you’re using Zoom on your iphone, you can tap on the App Store icon on your device. Tap on Search at the bottom of your screen. Enter “Zoom” in the search box. Select “Zoom Cloud Meetings,” then tap GET. Or visit https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id546505307 and install.

Important tips for joining Online Meetings:

  1. UPDATED: Zoom has recently updated security settings. Note that a password is now required to join a Zoom meeting. For online security reasons, please do not publicly post these links, meeting IDs, or passwords.
  2. Be sure to tap “Join with computer audio” if you want to be able to converse with others on the Zoom.
  3. Be sure you are MUTED when you join the call. At the bottom of your screen you should find a symbol in the shape of a microphone. It will have a red slash through it if you are MUTED. To UNMUTE, just tap the symbol. To MUTE again, tap the symbol.
  4. If you don’t want to be seen visually, find the video camera symbol at the bottom of the screen and tap it. It will then show a red slash through it and your face will not be shown.
  5. If you are using a smartphone and don’t see any CHAT or VIDEO symbols, try tapping your picture and it should bring up the icons at the bottom of the screen.
  6. You can send side-messages by tapping on the CHAT button at the bottom of the screen. It should open up a dialogue window where you can type or text messages. If you are joining with a smartphone, you may need to tap “Participants” then tap “Chats” at the bottom of the screen to send a message.
  7. To see everyone who is joining, find the “Gallery View” button (usually near the top of the screen) and tap it. It should bring everyone who is on the call onto your screen.

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