February News from Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp

Men’s Retreat: March 2-4 Join us for Men’s Retreat at RMMC on March 2-4, 2018. The festivities for the weekend include worship times, foosball, ping pong, chess, human curling, snowshoeing, great fellowship and more! This year, Herm Weaver (Nederland, CO) will be...

Advent Prayers

You are invited to pray for Mountain States congregations and ministries during the 2017 Advent season. December 3: Pray for Beloved Community Mennonite Church as they celebrate their first Christmas as a member of Mountain States Conference. Hold them in your...

Introducing the new Conference Ministry Team

by Ken Gingerich, Moderator Mountain States Mennonite Conference delegates have approved a new Conference Ministry Team model of leadership—as well as staff to fill the positions. Barry Bartel will be the new Ministry Coordinator; Charlene Epp and Merv Birky will be...

Finding Our Place and Supporting Dreamers

by Zach Martinez, Pastor, Sojourn Mennonite Church Sojourn Mennonite Church adopted at statement on sanctuary and accompaniment for respect to our immigrant neighbors on August 27, 2017. That same night, we also decided to join Fort Collins’ Interfaith Sanctuary and...

Looking Back on Three Years in Bolivia

by Jordan Penner [Note from the Rocky Mountain MCC Sale Coordinators: We put out information about $ amounts raised, and programs that benefit from MCC programs worldwide, but know that a personal story really says more. Therefore we have asked Jordan Penner to write...