Breakout Session Details
The three breakout sessions will be available at 2:15 and 3:15pm, Saturday afternoon.
Jordan Penner, MCC Donor Relations Associate – Jordan will give an overview of what is happening in MCC today, including an update on the Ukraine relief effort and how you can be involved.
Jordan was born and raised in Reedley, California. He works with the Mennonite Central Committee in Denver and has now spent nine years with MCC working in Guatemala, Bolivia, and Denver. Jordan attended Bethel College and received a Master’s degree in history from the University of Texas of the Rio Grande Valley. Besides working with MCC, Jordan volunteers as a youth group leader at First Mennonite Church, Denver. In his free time Jordan loves to bake bread and cookies, read, play various sports, and to get outside with his wife of ten years, Jenny Regier.
Rachel Ringenberg Miller, denominational minister for Ministerial Leadership for MC USA — Rachel will provide an MC USA update with Q&A
Rachel Ringenberg Miller serves as denominational minister for Ministerial Leadership for Mennonite Church USA (MC USA). She focuses on engaging conferences and congregations, providing resources and services to meet the diverse demands facing congregations today. Ringenberg Miller graduated from Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana, and Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Harrisonburg, Virginia, with an MDiv. She served as associate pastor for Portland Mennonite Church, Portland, Oregon, and as pastor of Shalom Mennonite Church in Newton, Kansas.
Jill Minter, of Boulder Mennonite Church – Lessons Learned from the Marshall Fire – Jill and Douglas Minter had to evacuate their Louisville home during the Marshall Fire. Jill will talk about the conditions that created the perfect storm for an urban wildfire, the warning and evacuation process, the fire itself, and lessons learned so far as they navigate the recovery process. Jill hopes this presentation will educate others on how to be prepared and what to do in the event their home is threatened by a fire.
Hope for New Growth Conversation
The Leadership Board has been dreaming together about what God might be calling us to next as a conference. Conference Moderator Ryan Koch and Conference Minister Amy Zimbelman would like to present two major initiatives and a plan for funding them. One initiative has to do with church planting (an idea that’s been in the water of our conference for many years now), while the other has to do with how to keep our conference sustainable long-term. We don’t want to give too many details now as we’d like to present the full proposals and have time for questions in person. Both proposals are contingent upon delegate approval–they will vote Saturday afternoon on these and other items. Saturday, July 30, 11am—12pm
Youth Visioning Session Details
Youth ages 6th – 12th grade will join a panel to learn about various post high school options, what life is like on a college campus followed by a Q&A.
Saturday, July 30, 11am – 12pm
- Bob Yoder, Director of Development, AMBS
- Nate Kroeker, Admissions Counselor for Bethel College
- Corbin Graber, Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp Director
- Lisa Longacre, Hesston Development Officer
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Page 1 – Lodging, Registration, Schedule
Page 2 – Delegate Session Details
Page 4 – Worship Details
Page 5 – Misc Details
Page 6 – Meet the Assembly Planning Team