Chicano Roots Resistance Jam Session
721 Santa Fe Dr. – 10 min walk, 3 min drive from First Mennonite Church OR Specifically:
If you find that you are able to come but didn’t purchase tickets when registering, you can pay at Su Teatro at the Assembly table (cash or check preferred). This is a community-oriented gathering. You are welcome to come prepared to sing/play guitar/dance. Audience participation is encouraged. There is some parking there, but anyone interested in walking together from FMC (about a 10 minute walk), meet at the FMC parking at 5pm. Masks are required inside; please have your COVID vaccination record available on your phone.
Bring your axe and your experience, for a jam session with top musicos!
The 26th Annual Chicano Music Festival is a roots music festival dedicated to celebrating music born on this side of the US-Mexico border. Featuring artists and their original work from California, New Mexico, and Texas, the Festival celebrates the music of the Southwest influenced by Mexico’s traditions. THE ROOTS MUSIC FESTIVAL OF THE REGION!
Everence Breakfast
Everence Breakfast for Pastors and Leaders: “Endowments – a retirement plan for your congregation.” Led by Dennis LeFevre, Everence Financial Planner and Rhoda Blough, Everence Stewardship Consultant.
About Everence ( – Everence’s mission is to help people integrate faith and finances. Everence is a financial services organization based on the idea that it is possible to incorporate your faith and values with your decisions about money. We do this to follow the biblical instruction to be good stewards.
Who is invited: Church Leaders (church chair, treasurer, or other interested leaders) and Pastors. If you are able to join us, respond YES in your registration.
Curious about ways to further implement generosity in the life of your congregation and perhaps your own life? Join Rhoda Blough, Everence Stewardship Consultant on Saturday, July 30th at 8:00 for a complimentary breakfast and discussion about how Everence might be able to assist! This breakfast event is for anyone who has an interest in how Everence can be a resource for your congregation and/or you personally. If you have not yet registered for MSMC assembly, please do so soon or contact me at
CO Rockies vs. LA Dodgers
Seats in Section 333.
* If you cancel, there is a $3 fee for optional exchange for future game; no refund.
Questions? Email OR
Page 1 – Lodging, Registration, Schedule
Page 2 – Delegate Session Details
Page 3 – Breakout Session Details
Page 4 – Worship Details
Page 6 – Meet the Assembly Planning Team