SEED Update, September 2020

By Ivanna Johnson-McMurry, Chair of the SEED Project and active in the First Mennonite Church – Denver, CO During the Civil Rights Movement, Black churches were bombed ad nauseam, and not because the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations hated the...

Mountain States Annual Assembly Delegate Report

By Ryan Koch, MSMC Moderator I know I’m an anomaly; I love delegate sessions. I love listening and learning from the collective wisdom of all who are passionately and deeply devoted to our conference. Whether it is at conference assembly or national convention,...

RMMC Newsletter September 2020

CHANGING SEASONS Just as God’s creation experiences changes in the year, the ministry of Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp changes along with it. With the conclusion of the summer camping season, camp now is offering hospitality to a variety of fall groups including the...

Doctrine of Unequal Exchange

By Ivanna Johnson-McMurry, on behalf of Race and active in the First Mennonite Church Lately I’ve been fielding correspondence and other communications from friends, and I use that term with great latitude—because, can you really consider someone a friend if you...

2020 Assembly Review

By Katrina Toews, Assembly Planning Committee co-chair and active in Defiance Church – Glenwood Springs, CO This year the pandemic squashed all hopes of social and in-person events like Assembly. As a new member of the Planning Committee I am grateful for the...

Departing Words

By Merv Birky, Regional Conference Minister Conference Ministry Team As the Conference Minister Team (Barry Bartel, Charlene Epp, Merv Birky) concludes three years in this role, it so happens that it is my turn to write our article for this issue of the ZING! But...