My Experience at the Immigration Conference

By Fernando Perez The need to reflect on human mobility, is very relevant in these challenging times in all countries of the world and, of course, in the United States of America. My experience was very exciting to see the different efforts that are being made in...

Caring for Your Pastor

By Merv Birky, Regional Conference Minister ( Leader Magazine recently asked the Mountain States CMT to submit an article on how congregations can care for their pastors. With input from Barry and Charlene, Merv wrote the article. This is a summary.) There is neither...

MSMC Gathers to Learn About Immigration Justice

By Jordan Penner Over forty people from throughout the Conference gathered together on September 28th and 29th for round table discussions on the theme of immigration justice. The Mennonite Central Committee provided grant funding for the round-table as well as...

Reflections from Sent 2018

I had the privilege of participating in the Mennonite Mission Network’s annual conference for church planters. We met at Living Water Community Church (LWCC) in Roger’s Park, on the north side of Chicago. The location is just west of Loyola University (on the lake), a...

Reflections on Healthy Boundary Training

MC USA strongly encouraged Conference Ministers and congregational leaders to attend these trainings to support strengthening our lives as Jesus’ followers. These trainings were facilitated by “Faith Trust”, based out of Seattle WA. Additionally, MSMC supported...