Bluegrass Ordination Service

By Carol Holsopple-Froese, Chair, East Holbrook Mennonite Church The sun was shining on this winter Saturday morning of January 21 at the East Holbrook Mennonite Church in Cheraw, Colorado, as a group gathered to celebrate in the ordination of Brian Hanneken. It was a...

By the Witness of the Spirit

By Mary Etta King, Transitional Conference Minister On Sunday afternoon December 11, 2016 Theda Good was ordained as a minister of the Gospel at First Mennonite Church of Denver. The church was packed. The ordination was part of the Advent theme, Mary’s Magnificat, in...

Empathic Listening: Seeking to Understand

By Charlene Epp, Glennon Heights Mennonite Church, member of the Dialogue Resource Team In a hermeneutics course in seminary a professor had the class divide into two groups, each group being assigned to a topic representing theological diversity within the church....

Leadership Board Meeting Summary

From left to right, Katie Cunningham, Ellen Fox, Ken Gingerich, Nelda Thelin, Brian Hanneken, Mike Martin, Wilmer Villacorta. Not pictured Tatdao Yang. January 16 Meeting The MSMC Leadership Board met via conference call on January 16. The Board heard a preliminary...

MSMC 2016 Budget Report

By Rita Balzer, MSMC Treasurer Click on the link to view the financial report. 2016 12 31 Financial Report Income We ended the year slightly in the black! Congregations gave 95% of what was budgeted from them. For a few giving was affected by the timing of budget...

Message from Karen Cox

Dear MSMC, It’s been a privilege to serve as Moderator these last years (not without some challenges, but a privilege still!).  I treasure the relationships that have grown.  And I so value having seen so many working in so many ways to live as followers of our Christ...